WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. PAGE 36 Map 20 Boat of Garten The map on the opposite page shows the proposed core paths network for the area around Boat of Garten. The paths proposed within this area have been chosen as they best fit with the objectives of the Core Paths Plan. Boat of Garten and its surrounding communities are linked by the Speyside Way (LBS116), the Sustrans Route (LBS53) and the path to Drumullie (LBS71). The Outdoor Access Strategy14 identifies a need to provide safe walking and cycling routes to school and work, this is addressed by the proposal to include the Sustrans route (LBS53 and LBS126). The woods to the west of the community are particularly important for access and paths have been developed there by the Community Council. These paths also link into the wider network including the Speyside Way and demonstrate an excellent fit with the Core Paths Plan objectives. The proposed network will also help land managers to manage access on their land. Boat of Garten Proposed Core Paths Path Ref No / Path Name/Description LBS1 The River Spey LBS53 Sustrans Route 7 LBS64 The Speyside Way – proposed off-road section LBS66 River Path LBS67 Woodland Path LBS69 Craigie to Curling Pond Path LBS70 All Abilities Trail LBS71 Boat to Drumullie LBS111 Abernethy Red Route LBS112 Loch Garten to Loch Mallachie Path LBS113 A95 Cycle Path LBS116 The Speyside Way LBS121 River Path LBS126 Sustrans Route 7 14 Enjoying the Cairngorms: Cairngorms National Park Outdoor Access Strategy 2007-2012 (CNPA 2007), is available on the CNPA website or on request. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Core Paths Plan Draft • April 2008 PAGE 36 Image: Map 20 Boat of Garten (not available in full text format, please check pdf)